Saturday, October 26, 2013

How to Take Screenshot in Mac OS X

One small shock for me when I moved from Windows to Mac was taking screenshots. In windows we have a dedicated key for that. But on Mac OS we don't. There are two ways to get screenshot on Mac.

1. Using Preview

First way is using preview. Here are the steps for it.
1. Open preview and make it the active app
2. From menu bar go to File> Take Screenshot
3. Choose the one you want from 3 options "From selection", "From window" and "From entire screen"
Note: If you choose from entire screen a countdown will start and the screenshot will be taken when countdown zeros.

Where is the screenshot saved? Nowhere it will open a new preview window with the image you took. Thank you can save it to anywhere with any name.

2. Using shortcut

Second way is using keyboard shortcut.

Following is the list of shortcuts. As you can see some copy it to clipboard as print screen key does in windows and some save to desktop. In contrast to previous method there is no delay so if you want to capture a moment which will not last long, it might be wise to use this method.

Command-Shift-3: Take a screenshot of the screen, and save it as a file on the desktop
Command-Shift-4, then select an area: Take a screenshot of an area and save it as a file on the desktop
Command-Shift-4, then space, then click a window: Take a screenshot of a window and save it as a file on the desktop
Command-Control-Shift-3: Take a screenshot of the screen, and save it to the clipboard
Command-Control-Shift-4, then select an area: Take a screenshot of an area and save it to the clipboard
Command-Control-Shift-4, then space, then click a window: Take a screenshot of a window and save it to the clipboard


Trying to include webp to PDF

 Trying to include webp to PDF